Embarking on the adventure of Clank! changed our vision of reality, and as a result our environment has also changed – showing us new horizons.
With this new step in our careers, many voices appeared encouraging us to make Clank! a reality and offering their help and enthusiastic participation in the project.
Every day, new people, news and ideas joined this thrilling project which elicited feelings of a skin tingling, magical process.
No wonder magic had to be the theme for this second issue. We wanted to investigate, and look for an in-depth explanation for what we felt.
Perhaps we cannot express with words a concept as broad as magic. Perhaps there is no definition more appropriate that the one made by the group of artist that we introduce in this volume. Their forms, textures, colors and ideas as a whole reflect that ethereal matter which surrounds everything – the one which reveals itself when what is happening is closely linked to the sense of existence.
Thanks to Clank!, we feel connected to that energy, which was very present during the creative process for this second issue.
Stay alert because, wherever you are, magic is infiltrating every fibre of your day.
Mario & Macarro